Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Nice meeting you fellow Romans again, because I have bad news. I managed to get Caesar as governor of Gaul, and since then, Caesar has been conquering Gaul, and getting new lands and money. As part of the First Triumvirate, I married Julia, Caesar's daughter. She kept us together as friends. Sadly, she died in 54BC of childbirth. The baby didn't last a long time, and even worse, Crassus was defeated in 53 BC, killed by the Parthians. Caesar and I grew envious and fearful of each other. With many patricians like me urging, the Senate decided to bring Caesar back and release his army. He declined and crossed the Rubicon, declaring civil war. I now am in deep danger and must make plans to flee Rome, as my soldiers have not been in war for a long time, but Caesar comes with a fresh new army. I am by far the better commander, but I am being pushed by the Senate and I have inexperienced warriors.


  1. Prepare for defeat, Pompey, for I, great Caesar, can never be brought down! I shall be victorious in this civil war against you. Your army is no match for mine, and I am a brilliant general. The time for Pompey is over, and it is time for Caesar to shine! "The die is cast!"

    Julius Caesar. BBC, http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/caesar_julius.shtml, 6 May 2011.

    "Julius Caesar Quotes." Brainy Quote, http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/j/julius_caesar_2.html, 18 May 2011.

  2. I am very sorry for not gaining Parthia for our empire. I hope that you will still have great political power.

    Howe, Helen., and Robert T. Howe. Ancient and Medieval Worlds. White Plains, New York: Longman Press, 1992
